Schedule Awards
A Schedule Award is a form of compensation provided under the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) for federal employees who suffer a permanent impairment or loss of use of specific body parts or functions due to a work-related injury or occupational disease.
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About Schedule Awards
Key Aspects of a Schedule Award:
Permanent Impairment: A Schedule Award is only available if the injured worker has reached Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI), meaning their condition has stabilized, and no significant improvement is expected. The impairment must be permanent.
Specific Body Parts: The award covers specific body parts and functions listed in a “schedule” outlined in the FECA. These typically include:
- Arms, hands, fingers
- Legs, feet, toes
- Eyes, ears (hearing loss)
- Other specific organs and body functions
Schedule Awards
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Medical Evaluations
To qualify for a Schedule Award, the injured employee must undergo a medical evaluation to determine the extent of the impairment. This evaluation will include a percentage rating of the loss of function according to standardized guidelines, such as the American Medical Association (AMA) Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment.
Compensation Calculation
The compensation amount is based on the degree of impairment (as a percentage) and the part of the body affected. Each body part or function is assigned a specific number of weeks of compensation in the FECA schedule. The amount of the award is calculated by multiplying the percentage of impairment by the number of weeks assigned to the body part and then by the employee’s weekly compensation rate.